At this time two years ago this is what was on my mind:
Something tells me that if we can change our perspective, our conversation, and the focus of our relationships our lives will be fuller. Being in a relationship vs. being single should not be the only thing we have to talk about. We are much more than that.
So, what ultimately got me out of bed that night to find paper and pen was this:
• How would my life change if I simply appreciated who I am and enjoyed the life I have?
• How would my relationships change if I looked beyond oversimplified profiles and got to know people for who and where they are?
• How would our social networks improve if we enjoyed meeting new people rather than twisting every introduction into an interview?
My Initial Plan vs. Actual Blog Results:
- Meet other Kansas City Singles.
- Outcome: Done!
- Change the conversation among single people.
- Outcome: I stirred the pot a bit.
- Challenge the perception that it is difficult to meet single people in Kansas City.
- Outcome: It was very difficult to get people to meet with me. I contacted many more people than I actually interviewed. As the year went on I got more recommendations for interviewees from friends, acquaintances, and interviewees. However, when I contacted people they either (1) did not respond, (2) declined due to “being so busy”, shyness, or fear that they would not be “very interesting”, or (3) cancelled before meeting.
Initial Plan:
- Interview 70 single people in the next 12 months
- Outcome: Actual interviewee Details
- 20 Women
- 17 Men
- Age range was 26 to 65
- 23 were single/no kids /never married
- 4 were single/no kids /previously married
- 7 were single/kids /previously married.
- 3 were single/kids /never married
- Interviews will consist of a single conversation over coffee or cocktails.
- Outcome: Achieved with one exception that required two conversations
- Blog post to follow each interview (no pictures or names attached).
- Outcome: Achieved.
- Final post at the end of 2014 with candid head shot, first name, and age of every interviewee.
- Outcome: I finally complete all interview posts and the final posts with pictures went up in December 2015. I decided not to post names and ages with the pictures as that information is inconsequential in my opinion.
Criteria for Interviewees:
1. 35 men & 35 women
2. Kansas City Metro resident
3. Totally single*
4. Must be vetted by a mutual friend or acquaintance
5. Must be willing to allow interview, picture, first name, and age to be shared on blog
(*For the purposes of this blog "totally single" is defined as not married, not separated, not currently going through a divorce, and not currently in an ongoing dating relationship.)
- Outcome: Achieved with two exceptions. (1) I interviewed one person who saw the blog online and did not meet condition #4. (2) I interviewed one person who agreed with the condition that I would not share their picture.
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