October 25, 2015

Experiencing New Things (M16)

Amazing how people can be so much alike, yet so different. Trite, I know.

We met over lunch for the interview. The kind of lunch that ends up taking two hours and two beers before anyone is ready to head back to work. He was talkative and funny when we started out. I don't think he knew what was coming. But, as we got into the conversation he became more introspective and was honest to a point that may have surprised him even more than me. 

Man 16 (M16) is 27. He grew up in a small Missouri town. He attended college in a slightly larger MO town where he lived and worked for a total of eight years. Then, not so long ago, he landed a job in Kansas City and relocated anticipating he would stay here for the foreseeable future. 

He told me he had a romantic relationship in college that ultimately fizzled out. When he first arrived in KC he met "a few girls" but went on to explain that has tapered off now.

October 1, 2015

On To New Adventures (M15)

Things happen for a reason. There is no coincidence.

Man 15 (M15) recently moved to the Kansas City Metro seeking new scenery, adventure, and ambitious, energetic people to add to his ever growing network.

He spends his time actively growing relationships and building that network of people all around him. He purposefully surrounds himself with people of all ages.  He explained that no one should ever be judged by their age. At 65 years old he described some of his closest friends to me including people from several generations. 

He dedicates a good amount of time as a Fraternity Advisor. Additionally, he advises [college] students who are campaigning for office. He feels powerful when he has influence on a situation. Over the course of our interview I gathered that he also has a lot of fun in his work. Among some of the fun stories he told me was one about being initiated into a fraternity at 64 years old and also a recent bachelor party invite he received. (No, he didn't go. But, that could have a been a great story!)