June 21, 2014

Now I See [spiritually] Meets Chaos [worldly] (M9)

I think the biggest misunderstanding people have about me as a single man is that I am either a player or I am gay. Actually, I am neither.

So, now you must be wondering what he does with his time. Right?

Man 9 (M9) is 36 years old. He has assumed guardianship of two boys whose parents were unable to care for them. He works full time (like most of us), is active in volunteer ministry at his church, enjoys running and spending time with his two boys.

I am an animal lover and have three dogs. My favorite music venues include my shower and my car. I think all honest people rank those among their top 3!  I enjoy reading books on my iPad while relaxing on the deck. I also love "dude movies". I connect with the boys over comics, super heroes, and action and adventure.

June 9, 2014

The Only Constant Is Change (W14)

I quit my job and took six weeks to visit Ireland and travel through Europe. I am so glad I took the time away.

On the day I interviewed Woman 14 (W14) she was 29 years old. A few days later she turned the big 3-0. I, for one, think that an extended European vacation followed by landing a new job is a great way to walk out of your 20's with a fresh perspective.

I am very competitive. I feel powerful when I am playing sports, after a tough run or a big challenge.

My family is the part of my life that is working best right now. We have become close in the last few years. My mom is from Ireland and I have a lot of family there. The trip was a great chance to spend time with them.

June 1, 2014

It's All About Timing (W13)

I feel powerful when I am being vulnerable. Over the last few months I have focused on being open and real. People perceive me as guarded even though I feel like an open book.

Woman 13 (W13) is 32 years old. She was headed out of town with a friend for a weeks vacation the day after our interview. She works in the creative realm and takes care not to allow herself to be overly consumed with her job. When I first met her she was bubbly and relaxed. She has a disarming smile and a welcoming nature about her.

I decided to meet with you and be interviewed because I am in a good spot. My friend asked me if I was interested and I figured I didn't have anything to lose. Right now the things that are working in my life are my job and finding a balance between work and social life.

The person who told me about the blog is a great friend that I have know since seventh grade. She is my mirror. I know she will be honest with me no matter what.