I really don't like the word powerful. I don't want to have control. It is not in my personality.
We discussed "power" for a bit. What does it mean? How is that word perceived? In the context of these blog interviews power is a good thing. I'm looking for moments or environments when singles feel fully actualized.
What gets your blood pumping?
When do you feel you have the world in the palm of your hand?
Where do you go to put a smile back on your face and restore your spirit?
Many of my interviewees have expressed feeling powerful at work. A few have admitted feeling powerful in moments of attraction and intimacy. I have heard exercise, public speaking, and even being in nature as being powerful moments.
Once I clarified my question Man 11 (M11) told me, "
I feel powerful at work. I am good at what I do." Right now the thing that is working best in my life is my job. I get to do something different every day.